Celebrating IPA Albania connecting with IPA USA in New York

June 12, 2022 New York

Today we completed the planned activity of IPA- Section Albania in New York. Under the full measures taken by the President of UGSH for America, Mr. Dritan Haxhia, the wonderful moderation of the journalist Elona Biba, coordinator of UGSH, everything was conducted according to the plan.

The warm words of the President of the Albanian American Academy Prof. Dr. Skënder Kodra, PhD Clinical Psycologyst and the gratitude given by the President of the Open Hand Association Aleksander Nilaj and also the new memberships were the most prominent moments during the evening.

At the end of the ceremony and with full unanimity, Mr. Astrit Gjonpalaj was charged with establishing links with IPA – USA and setting up a working group and drafting a plan of measures until the new elections.

A busy but valuable period for the progress of IPA – Section Albania.


A historic Day for AAOHA


AAOHA partners with BiC